Steve Horrillo
2006-03-29 12:23:51 UTC
Home Buyer Beware...Realtors® Are Secretly Stealing Your Rights
******************Public Service Announcement******************
Better than 99% of all Realtors® have positioned themselves
to strip you of your right to representation from a buyer's
agent--representation from a specialist which could come at
no additional cost to you--just as a result of your going to
look at homes with them. (THIS IS EVEN TRUE OF OPEN HOUSES.)
You may find it hard to believe, but it's absolutely true.
Even if you live in a state where buyer agency is the default
relationship, your rights are in extreme jeopardy, as your
ability to make your own choices is being stolen from you,
without your knowledge, or consent.
To learn more about this theft...and to aid in protecting
yourself from becoming a victim of organized real estate's
If you have problems opening the file, you can download the
Soon, you are likely to see messages from Realtors® who will
be wildly spinning lies of omission, or half-truths, in an
attempt to remove your focus from the substance of what you'll
find in the free report.
As you consider their protestations, just keep in mind that the
way to remove all doubt of what is true, is to simply use
the consumer friendly form that you'll find within the report.
That's your ticket to freedom. That's your protection from
the ethically challenged who would silently shackle you
without your knowledge/consent.
Try talking a buyer into exclusive buyers agency. That's when they tell youHome Buyer Beware...Realtors® Are Secretly Stealing Your Rights
******************Public Service Announcement******************
Better than 99% of all Realtors® have positioned themselves
to strip you of your right to representation from a buyer's
agent--representation from a specialist which could come at
no additional cost to you--just as a result of your going to
look at homes with them. (THIS IS EVEN TRUE OF OPEN HOUSES.)
You may find it hard to believe, but it's absolutely true.
Even if you live in a state where buyer agency is the default
relationship, your rights are in extreme jeopardy, as your
ability to make your own choices is being stolen from you,
without your knowledge, or consent.
To learn more about this theft...and to aid in protecting
yourself from becoming a victim of organized real estate's
If you have problems opening the file, you can download the
Soon, you are likely to see messages from Realtors® who will
be wildly spinning lies of omission, or half-truths, in an
attempt to remove your focus from the substance of what you'll
find in the free report.
As you consider their protestations, just keep in mind that the
way to remove all doubt of what is true, is to simply use
the consumer friendly form that you'll find within the report.
That's your ticket to freedom. That's your protection from
the ethically challenged who would silently shackle you
without your knowledge/consent.
they don't want to give up their freedom of choice. I'm all for having a
contract when working with a buyer. In fact I wouldn't handle one without
it. It benefits both of us. Just try getting a buyer to sign a contract. I
don't think demonizing the traditional process is going to get you buyers
for you business but it's an interesting approach. Make them think that
having no contract is bondage and being under contract is freedom. LOL
If you truly were in it to help you would be listing buyer's typical
objections to signing an exclusive buyers agency contract, and teach
realtors how to overcome those objections. In reality far more Realtors get
burned by the buyer because they don't have a contract. Contract or not the
vast majority of agents I know who handle buyers are on the buyers side.
BTW - this in no public service announcement being that at the end you try
to solicit business from these buyers. You make it appear you are trying to
educate but it's clear that it's just a scheme to find buyers. You're on the
right track. Buyer's Agency is a good thing. You're just taking the low
Warmest regards,
Steve Horrillo, Realtor / C.Ht. =^..^=
Warmest regards,
Steve Horrillo, Realtor / C.Ht. =^..^=